The Singing Tree Mural Project
Peace Building Through Art – Inspired by Nature
A Shovel-Ready Community Healing Program.
Now Certifying Facilitators.
The whole world is invited to make a painting together.
The Singing Tree™ Mural Project is an invitation to everyone on the planet to transcend disconnection and loneliness by having fun creating together. It was inspired by Meredith Miller, an 8 year old school girl who asked “What if the whole world made a painting together?”

When founder Laurie Marshall heard Meredith's idea, the vision of all of humanity working together resonated with a deep longing for peace in the world. She designed the Singing Tree™ mural structure - works of art created by many people working together inspired by the mutualism of trees and forests.
The Singing Tree™ Mural Project demonstrates that collaboration is not only possible, but it produces extraordinary results. 140 murals have been made by over 24,000 people from 52 countries. This leadership training program incorporates Peace Literacy, neurobiology, STEAM, Worldview Exploration, Conversational Intelligence and artistic skills for both youth and adults.

The title of the Singing Tree™ Mural Project is inspired by Kate Seredy’s book called The Singing Tree. She tells the story of her father, who was a soldier in World War I:
One night, his battalion crawled all night long on their bellies to escape the enemy. Everything had been destroyed by war. When the dawn came, one tree was still alive. Birds from hundreds of miles away, who aren’t normally together, filled the tree, singing a song that had never been heard before.
The earth is like the Singing Tree of the Solar System. All the things that divide us are not as important as the fact that there is no life around us, that we know of. We can choose to destroy each other and our Earth, or to create something beautiful, like the new song of the birds in the Singing Tree.