Mural #
Water Willow Singing Tree honoring 572 Federally Registered Tribes
The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Willow, 8' x 8', was designed and painted by Marian Kaulaity Hansson of the Kiowa Culture. She is an anthropologist/ethnologist, researcher, author, artist and former Curator of the BIA's art collection. On this project, she was helped by Sidney Bad Moccasin, III and five other BIA staff. The names of 572 federally registered indigenous tribes were written on the willow leaves by Dianne Marshall and Lawren Giles of Grass Valley, CA. Laurie Marshall in Pittsburgh, PA glued them on and brought the panels to Washington, D.C to be part of the permanent collection of the Department of Interior, Washington, D.C., 2005
August 17, 2005
Laurie Marshall and Marian Kaulaity Hansson
1849 C St NW, Washington, DC 20240, USA