I went to executive coach Ipek Serifsoy’s house a few days ago to discuss Ken Robinson’s book The Element with a small group of people. The book looks at what happens when people’s aptitudes and passions coincide. I am excited at the depth that Robinson brings to the concept of the “Spark.” Greg Kerlin, an astute observer in the conversation, commented that most all of the examples in the book were of super stars like Olympic gold medal winners, rock stars and mathematical geniuses. What about everyday people who are in their element in the world, marry their talent and motivation? I immediately thought of my 34 year-old nephew Forrest, who could take anything apart and put it back together better than it was before, since he was six. He was excited by art and film from a young age, also. Now he is using his mechanical aptitude working for Firestone as a master mechanic, coming up with ever more efficient and ingenious methods of solving the problems presented to him. He’s in his element, having developed one of his many sparks, happily living in Central Pennsylvania with his wife and daughter.
I look forward to hearing about your sparks, or the sparks of people in your life.