Making art increases the perception of control. This painting of a bear with the eco-system that supports him depicted inside of the figure was made by my students at Novato Charter School in 4th grade. Many of the students, now in 7th grade, are included in the movie link below, playing music in a market.
The fabulously practical, caring and cutting edge brain-science expert Eric Jensen shares five ways to decrease stress: the perception of control, breathing, movement, music and belonging. Too many schools don’t incorporate all of these elements in their daily practices. Many Waldorf schools, both private and public, do. The Novato Charter School (NCS) goes one step further, empowering students by having them take their music to real audiences in the world. Below you’ll see a two minute movie of the NCS fiddle club, organized by the visionary music teacher Kenny Blacklock, playing in Whole Foods and bringing stress relief to the customers as well as the students. Click on this link to see the movie: Ashokan Farewell